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Exchange Program Partnership

The student who is interested in taking part of the UERJ’s Exchange program should e-mail the following documents to the International Cooperation Office:

- Letter or e-mail from the home university allowing the participation of the student in the exchange program for the requested period;

- The application form of the International Cooperation Office properly filled out and signed by the home institution;

- Proof of vaccination for COVID 19;

- Composition in Portuguese explaining in a few lines (the limit is 15 lines) the motives of chosen Brazil to study;

- Transcript of records and a Portuguese version;

- Copy of the identification page of the passport, which must have validation for, at least, six months after the expected date for the returning of the exchange program student;

- A short Resumè with personal information;

- A certificate that proves the knowledge of the Portuguese Language;


Additional mandatory documents required to candidater with brazilian citizenship:

- Brazilian passport (must be valid through all mobility program);

- RG (Identification card);

- CPF number.

The application only will be considered for analisys after sending the scanned form with the signatures altogether with the documents.

After being selected for the Exchange program, the student will have to e-mail a copy of the health insurance with sanitary and funearal repatriation that must last the whole time that the student will remain in Brazil.

When the student will be present yourself to UERJ, the student must:

- Showing up to the International Cooperation Office in order to sign the arrival form.

- Declaring how the student will pay the survival costs;

- Student’s visa copy.

Important: The student must obtain the Foreigner National Registration in the Federal Police during the first 30 days of the arrival in Brazil.

After finishing the Exchange semester, the Foreigner student will receive a transcript of records with all the disciplines that the student has studied.


  • First semester 2025 - application in October 2024.